Ideal Asr Corporation

best pest control company


Cockroaches are high-risk pests to have in your home and business premises. From contaminating food and destroying property to causing serious threat to health, cockroach infestations can be especially distressing. Cockroaches creep within corners and difficult spots inside buildings and lay siege, making it very difficult to get rid of them.

Types of Cockroaches –

Diseases by Cockroach –

Cockroaches are synonymous with filth and poor hygiene. Their feeding and nesting habits mean they can accumulate a range of pathogenic organisms which they transmit to food and surfaces where they feed and crawl.

Cockroaches Can Transmit the Following Diseases :

  • Salmonellosis
  • Typhoid Fever
  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Leprosy
  • Plague
  • Campylobacteriosis
  • Listeriosis

Cockroaches Fact and Notice Point

  • While you and your family sleep soundly at night, the deadly, disease-carrying cockroaches scurry around in the warm, moist, dark environs of your home enjoying your hospitality, even in homes that have cockroach pest control.
  • All the leftovers, tiny amounts of delicious liquids in cans or bottles and all the crumbs (cakes, cookies, French fries) make every night “Party Time” for the cockroaches, carrying bacteria that cause dysentery, diarrhea and food poisoning on their bodies: they transmit these all over your home, silently. Unless you get a good cockroach control service.
  • They contaminate everything. They can live on newspapers.
  • They can even hold their breath upto 40 minutes.
  • Their powerful legs and strong wings help them escape rapidly.
  • Their antenna draws them to food and drink. They cause terrible respiratory problems.
  • Their droppings, skins, moulting and dead cockroaches lead to Asthma.
  • Dead cockroaches are a sticky trap for other roaches to feed on.
  • There are many, many Nymphs (cockroach babies) in each egg-case. They multiply rapidly and only a proper professional treatment will eradicate the whole cockroach colony.


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